Welcome to the Aztec Day Services

Aztec will follow the principles of valuing people. Our aim is to support individuals from the age of 16 years old and upwards. It is Aztec’s philosophy that where ever possible, activities will interlink and lessons learned from one session will bring a benefit and have relevance in another. Each individual will be assessed to determine their level of ability, strengths, likes and dislikes and a goal for the future. We do not intend to simply just fill the day; our aim is that everyone feels a sense of achievement and worth. Every activity we offer will be carried out with this objective in mind. There will be the opportunity to develop and learn new skills, whilst exercising choice, accessing the community and developing the individual and their self esteem and self worth.
Please go to our Facebook page to see regular weekly updates.

A New Day Is Dawning

For people with  Learning Difficulties in Medway.